Under the belief that each and every employee is a precious asset (human resource), the Mizuho Leasing Group is actively promoting diversity and inclusion throughout our organization. We believe that in order to successfully adapt to changes, it is essential that we help each other bring out our best and foster solidarity through promoting understanding and acceptance of employees’ diverse backgrounds, ways of thinking, and values. In addition, we are promoting initiatives aimed at the advancement of women, work-life balance, engagement, and flexible working styles, with the aim of creating a rewarding workplace environment where diverse ways of thinking and values are accepted and respected, and one that brings out the best in each and every employee’s unique talents.

To promote understanding of diversity, we hold various seminars provided by external lecturers. In addition, we keep employees up to date on diversity-related initiatives and related topics by distributing information through “Diversity Communication” via the in-house intranet, among other means.
- 拡大
- Paralympians' lecture
We have developed and are consistently implementing the following action plan to improve the employment environment so that women can play an active role in the organization.
To create a company culture that provides a rewarding workplace, we have developed a comfortable working environment for employees by establishing systems that enable them to work flexibly according to the life-cycle.

Our target is to reach 15% for the proportion of women in managerial positions by FY2025, and we reached 11.6% as of the end of March 2024. We provide training for female employees to develop their careers and take measures to promote their active participation and career advancement in the workplace.
In our drive to improve work-life balance and lift work productivity, we are promoting flexible working styles that are unbound by fixed locations or times. By introducing a flexible staggered commuting system and a telework system, as well as establishing satellite offices, we endeavor to enable employees to work in the environment that best suits their individual situation, whether working from home or elsewhere.
As teleworking has normalized, we are looking for ways to raise work efficiency and stimulate communication among employees, which tends to be lacking.
To create a corporate culture where it is easy for male employees to take childcare leave, we are encouraging male employees to take childcare leave through activities such as interviewing each male employee with a newborn and distributing leaflets that give an overview of the work-life balance support system and a summary of how to take leave. Based on our internal criteria*, 100% of male employees took childcare leave in FY2023, including some who took leave for three consecutive months. We interview employees who have taken long-term childcare leave and share their stories via the in-house intranet to raise awareness about taking childcare leave among male employees. (*Of the male employees with a child that will turn one year old this year, the percentage of those who began childcare leave between the previous year and the day before their child’s first birthday).
We offer support related to balancing work and childbirth/parenting to employees of both sexes. We hold the “Creating a Family Vision with Your Partner” seminar centered around why it is important and necessary for male employees to take childcare leave, as well as how to create a family vision. In addition, we have established a consultation desk that provides advice related to taking childcare leave, share information about childbirth/childcare related programs via the in-house intranet, and offer a correspondence course for employees to think about their career after returning to work even during childcare leave. We are also making efforts to ease or resolve anxieties and worries that employees may have by inviting experienced lecturers to the seminar, from whom participants can receive advice.
Mizuho Leasing is actively working to support the development of children who will bear the next generation and received the Platinum Kurumin certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in December 2020 based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children as a company that is striving to deliver a higher level of child development support.

To enable veteran employees to make full use of their extensive knowledge and experience, we raised the mandatory retirement age to 65 in FY2019. We hold a life design training for senior citizen employees to encourage self-innovation through career reassessment and help them design a comprehensive life plan that envisions the future. Going forward, we intend to ramp up our support to enable senior citizen employees to thrive through reskilling education, training, and other programs.
We hold “Dementia Seminars” by external lecturers with extensive experience as care managers, as well as “Nursing Care Round-table Talks” for employees who share nursing care-related issues. These cover basic knowledge on nursing care and the nursing care insurance system, provide guidance on how to prepare themselves for nursing care, and enable participants to share their concerns. In addition, we have set up a free consultation desk with external instructors and have established a system to respond to concerns and consultations related to nursing care.
In addition, we have created a handbook that gives a basic explanation of nursing care, how to balance work and nursing care, and the actions to take when facing nursing care in a way that is easy to understand.
Through these seminars and programs, we aim to have the entire workplace better understand nursing care so as to create a workplace culture of mutual support

We introduced the Side Job and Dual Employment System in December 2022 for the purpose of promoting diverse working styles, as well as to enable employees to promote innovation and broaden their horizons through acquiring knowledge outside the company.
We actively recruit people with disabilities to promote their social participation. Since May 2021, members with disabilities have been working not only at the head office but also at the IBUKI Kawaguchi Farm. As part of our efforts to achieve a society and workplace where everyone can thrive, every week we distribute vegetables and herb teas from the farm to employees to raise their familiarity with, and awareness about, diversity.
Mizuho Leasing considers developing a workplace environment where employees can work healthily, safely, and with peace of mind will lead to revitalizing the organization through improved employee vitality and enhanced productivity.
We hold a health committee each month in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act to ensure the maintenance and promotion of employee health and safety.
We provide an annual medical checkup for all employees. For expatriate employees and their family members living together, we provide the necessary vaccinations for each country they are stationed in and a medical check-up once or twice a year in that country or Japan, depending on the country's sanitary conditions or medical level.
In addition, according to the basic policy of promoting mental health—since relaxing, gaining spiritual enrichment and securing a comfortable, safe, and worker-friendly environment are important for employees' mental health—we conduct a stress check once a year.
To ensure work-life balance and provide employees with enough time for spiritual enrichment, we aim to achieve an average paid leave utilization rate of 80% for all employees by FY2025 (70.8% as of FY2023). We encourage employees to take consecutive paid leave in the summer and update them on the annual paid leave utilization rate every six months.
Moreover, we set Wednesdays as “no overtime days” and assigned two additional no-overtime days each month, July and August, for each division or branch.
Since August 2021, we have conducted engagement surveys every three months to gauge employee job satisfaction in a timely manner and enable them to engage in their work more proactively. We are implementing various measures to cultivate a deeper understanding of engagement among employees and create a corporate culture characterized by the proactive engagement of each individual.
We recruited Engagement Improvement Promotion Members from our divisions and branches in FY2023; they are currently advancing initiatives while exchanging ideas with people both within and outside the company.