Mizuho Leasing believes that an "individual"—that is, each one of our employees—is part of the foundation that supports our growth, and considers it is important to develop an environment that expands their possibilities and maximizes their success.
In addition to hiring people chiefly in view of their personal character with a focus on a challenging spirit and diversity, we aim to develop professionals who can contribute broadly to society through measures that enable them to grow organically, including a systematic education and training system, strategic personnel allocation, and a system for fair evaluation and treatment.
Based on our policy to conduct fair and impartial pre-employment screening, we hire new graduates who have a flexible mindset and are brimming with a challenging spirit. Moreover, we have systems in place and an environment conducive for women to continue active employment. The proportion of women among newly employed graduates has remained above 40% in recent years.
In response to globalizing and expanding our fields of business, we are increasingly recruiting a diverse range of talented people with high levels of expertise and a spirit to take on new challenges.
We create a career plan with each employee as a guide for them to grasp the knowledge and skills they will need to learn in each step of their career, and encourage them to devote themselves to their work and self-improvement through setting their own goals and taking necessary training in a systematic way.
The career plan divides an employee's career into phases, namely: (1) the "learning" phase, covering the time from the first day of work to the end of their second year; (2) the "flourishing" phase, covering the third and fourth years; and (3) the "leap" phase from the fifth year onward. The plan lays out the targeted level of achievement, experience, knowledge, skills and training for each phase, and is designed to foster growth in each employee as they move from one phase to the next. We nurture our employees by improving and expanding training on themes meaningful to those who aspire to advancement, such as on skills related to improving sales or productivity.
The Group has established an "open call for overseas-oriented employees" system to develop and strengthen talented people who can play an active role in a global scale.
Applicants receive six months of practical language training, are sent to our overseas bases as trainees, or are transferred to divisions related to global business, as a way to develop our talent pool for international business.
Mizuho Leasing has set out succession plans for "planned fostering of the management tier" and "sustainable growth through a transparent process for appointing directors." Specifically, we established the Mizuho Leasing University, a corporate university that functions as a succession program to identify successor candidates and nurture their growth over the long term. This initiative launched in fiscal 2020.
We allocate personnel strategically, taking into account the number of staff required as well as skills and aptitude of individuals for each segment or unit based on the targeted business portfolio.
In addition, we are building a system to centralize the collection and analysis of all internal information related to human resources. This system will serve to help allocate and train our personnel as well as select successors in a more strategic manner.
We have redefined the roles expected of each employment type and position—from general staff to management—along with examples of job requirements and accountability. Then, using a common matrix, we have laid out a system for objectively and appropriately evaluating each person's job and organizational capabilities from different perspectives. This system is under continuous improvement so that capable and energetic employees can be suitably appraised, keeping in step with diversification in work styles and business.